When I was in my 20’s a friend took me to see my first naturopath. This naturopath used iridology to read my eyes and, this left a huge impression on me and I wanted to know how someone could tell so much from looking at eyes and this led me to enrol at the Perth Academy of Natural Therapies to study naturopathy.

In 1994, I graduated with a Diploma of Homeopathy, and started my first naturopathic clinic. Further study lead to an Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy, and in 2010 I added a Bachelor of Health Science (Complementary Medicine) to my qualifications.

Whilst studying at Perth Academy of Natural Therapies I was given my first bottle of Bach Flower Essences and I remembers thinking "WOW!! Why has no one told me about these before!!”. This started my love of flower and other essences and my quest to know more about them. Whilst studying at Perth Academy of Natural Therapies I completed my dissertation on Bach Flower Essences and Anorexia Nervosa, and this helped me to get a better understanding of the body mind connection.

I am passionate about natural therapies and this, with my experience and knowledge, led me to presenting my own training courses as well as lecturing at local naturopathy colleges in the areas of Nutrition, Iridology, Intuitive Healing, Tissue Salts, Flower Essence and more.

Iridology is a key area of interest for me and as well as physical iridology I have studied Rayid and Personality iridology with the original founders of these techniques. I use a digital camera to take photographs of your eyes, and through using these techniques give you insight into yourself and your health concerns.

As a naturopath, I see people with all sorts of health issues, and have specific interest in thyroid related health issues, autoimmune conditions, digestive health and the body mind connection, and I regularly run workshops on these and other health issues.

Outside naturopathy I am married to Paul and I am a keen runner, loving both road and trail based running which has led me to have a special interest in sports nutrition for runners, and in particular looking at natural nutrition for distance events and support for older runners and those who eat a plant based diet. I also love swimming and balance these high energy activities with reading and craft.

Looking forward to helping you on your journey to health!

Caroline van der Mey