A brief summary of the Australian Bush Flower Essences that can be used as an initial guide in helping to select which essence is appropriate.
Crowea | (-) Worrying, out of balance, feeling "not quite right". (+) Balances and centres the individual. |
Dagger Hakea | (-) Resentment, bitterness towards close family, friends, lovers. (+) Forgiveness, open expression of feelings. |
Dog Rose | (-) Fearful, shy, insecure, apprehensive of others, niggling fears. (+) Confidence, courage, belief in self. |
Dog Rose of the Wild Forces | (-) Fear of loss of control, physical pain with no apparent cause. (+) Emotional balance, overcoming fear. |
Five Corners | (-) Low self esteem, dislike of self, held in personality. (+) Love and acceptance of self, celebration of own beauty. |
Flannel Flower | (-) Dislike of being touched, lack of sensitivity especially in males. (+) Gentleness, sensitivity in touching, joy, trust, sensuality. |
Freshwater Mangrove | (-) Heart closed due to prejudices which have been taught, not personally experienced. (+) Humility, appreciation of beauty in others, release and heals mental prejudice. Opens the heart. |
Fringed Violet | (-) Distress, damage to aura, drained by others / situations. (+) Removes effects of past or present distress, psychic protection. |
Green Spider Orchid | (-) Nightmares, needing acceptance, phobias. (+) Attunement, ability to guard information, release of terrors and phobias. |
Grey Spider Flower | (-) Terror, panic (+) Faith and courage. |
Gymea Lily | (-) Dominated and over-ridden by others (+) Humility, letting go of control. |
Hibbertia | (-) Fanaticism, self-improvement/discipline / knowledge (+) Acceptance of self and own innate knowledge. |