A brief summary of the Australian Bush Flower Essences that can be used as an initial guide in helping to select which essence is appropriate.
Illawarra Flame Tree | (–) Sense of rejection, being left out, fear of responsibility. (+) Self approval, self reliance, confidence, inner strength. |
Isopogen | (–) Unable to learn from past experience, controlling personality. (+) Able to learn from past experience, remember the past. |
Jacaranda | (–) Scattered, changeable, dithering, aimless, rushing. (+) Decisiveness, clear minded, quick thinking. |
Kangaroo Paw | (–) Socially immature, clumsy, gauche, insensitive to other's needs. (+) Relaxed, sensitive, saviore faire, enjoyment of people. |
Kapok Bush | (–) Easily discouraged, resignation, apathy. (+) Persistence, willingness to give it a go, application. |
Little Flannel Flower | (–) Denial of inner child, seriousness (+) Playfulness, joy, ability to have fun. |
Macrocarpa | (–) Personally drained. (+) Renews enthusiasm. |
Mint Bush | (–) Spiritual trial and tribulation, despair, overwhelm. (+) Calmness, ability to move on, readiness for initiation. |
Mountain Devil | (–) Hatred, anger, jealousy, holding grudges, suspicious. (+) Unconditional love, forgiveness, happiness. |
Mulla Mulla | (–) Distress associated with exposure to fire, heat and sun. (+) Reduces the negative effects of fire and the sun's rays. |
Old Man Banksia | (–) Disheartened, weary. (+) Ability to cope with whatever life brings. |
Paw Paw | (–) Overwhelm, burdened by decision. (+) Focus and clarity. |
Peach-Flowered Tea Tree | (–) Mood swings, lack of commitment. (+) Balance, responsibility for own health. |
Philotheca | (–) Excessive generosity, inability to accept acknowledgement. (+) Ability to accept praise, acknowledgement and love. |
Pink Mulla Mulla | (–) Deep hurt, guarded, feeling blocked. (+) Overcoming obstacles, opening up, forgiveness. |