A brief summary of the Healing Herb Essences that can be used as an initial guide in helping to select which essence is appropriate.
Scleranthus | Ambivalent, YES?NO?, Uncertain, vacillates, mood swings. |
Star of Bethlehem | Shock and trauma, recent and in past. |
Sweet Chestnut | Limit of endurance, mental despair. |
Vervain | Fanatical, tries to convince others, overenthusiastic, incensed by injustices. |
Vine | Domineering, inflexible, aggressive, craves power, arrogant. |
Walnut | For change, influenced by others, tradition, outside views, protective remedy. |
Water Violet | Aloof, proud, reserved. |
White Chestnut | Persistent repetitive unwanted thoughts, mental arguments. |
Wild Oat | Seeker, unable to decide on life path, dissatisfied and lacking direction. |
Wild Rose | Apathy, resigned, accept their lot, weary and lack zest and stamina. |
Willow | Resentment, bitter, "It's not fair", "Poor me", blames everyone else. |